Mitzy Mayhem - Event Coordinator
The visitors of Detonation: Uranium Springs fell in love and lost their post-apocalyptic hearts to Mitzy Mayhem and she drove them wild with her long legs, dangerous hips, and raw love for burlesque. Since her knock-out debut she has sought instruction from masters of ballet, contemporary, fire poi, and modern heels styles to bring more and more creativity and passion for your viewing pleasure. From her trademark mohawk and ever-present sledgehammer to the way she strips her stockings down, every twist and turn will be seared into your memory forever and you will gladly join the Cult of Mayhem. To see her shift from languid ballet extensions to the raw thrashing of classic rock is to adore her, and no one loves their fans more than she does.
Mitzy Mayhem has performed at Detonation: Uranium Springs, Wasteland Weekend, Unofficial: Halftime, Jugger Winter Games, and has been photo-credited in Maxim Magazine. Outside the post-apocalyptic circuit she has graced the stages of Nerdlesque, Las Vaudeville, The Burly Q Revue, Burlesque Roulette, the Erotic Heritage Museum, Flex, and is always looking for another stage in the Las Vegas area to burn brightly for a crowd.

Forged from the heart of the Apocalypse, The Amazon comes to steal your caps and the show. You may have seen her dangerously long legs and flaming red hair motor past on her signature bike The Painted Lady. The Amazon first graced the stages of Wasteland Weekend in 2012 and promptly invaded many tribes with her fleet of post-apocalyptic Playboy bunnies known as "The Last Playmates". While commanding the Wheel at the Last Chance Casino, her deadly disarming smile has enticed countless souls to sacrifice their dignity in her honor. The Amazon's costumes are the envy of all who see them on and see her take them off. The Amazon has performed at Rocky Horror Midnight Movies, Wasteland Weekend, and The Juggers of the Wasteland Winter Games. She is a two time runner up at in the Deez Swimsuit Competition and Miss Co-Wasteland of the Winter Games.
Social Media: Facebook
Animal was discovered on the outskirts of what remains of Los Angeles by the Wrecking Crew, while trying to take shelter during the Last Great Sandstorm. She was taken in by one of the Crew, and given shelter in exchange for entertainment. Although still feral and untamed, Animal has grown fond of entertaining wanderers in the wastes. As a new addition to the Mollies, Animal is honing her skills in burlesque, tribal fusion belly dance, bull whip, and fire whip.

Eli Grimes
Like the first glimpse of smoke she signals a burning flame of passion within all who watch her. Eli Grimes' every action on the dance floor conveys the truth of her adventurous personality, and with every second you will long to be drawn away with her to whatever world she comes from. New to the world of dance, but ready to learn, you'll be impressed with what she has in store. When she's not dancing, she spends her time exploring worlds beyond her own in Dungeons and Dragons campaigns with her friends. She also creates beautiful works of destruction for Wasteland. From forests to cities her admiration for the world around her is only rivaled by her love for her friends. Wouldn't you like to join her? Come along.
Social Media: Instagram

Multipass, otherwise known as the vicious leader of the Sand Sharks, is ready to show that surviving the wastes isn't just about strength and endurance, but also about ability and passion. Watch as they captivate and enchant with their fiery dancing. While Multipass is new to the world of burlesque they have previous experience to help from years of competition cheerleading, show choir dancing, and most recently being invited to join a belly dancing performance group.
Adopted by the Wasteland Wolves, adored by everyone else, Rocket is truly a force to be reckoned with. Hailing from the ruins of California, where she fills her time cuddling cats and working on her animations. Rocket brings years of varied dance experience to the mollies, she's got everything from hip-hop to ballet covered. And if that weren't enough she also spins some mean poi. New to the performance circuit, but full of excitement, she can't wait to show you what she's got in store!

Snickerdoodle will show all y'all that Texas has more to offer than BBQ and rodeo. With sinuous movements that evoke the mighty Rio Grande, and the passion of a mustang galloping across the open Panhandle, Snickerdoodle is here to tell you what you already knew: don't mess with Texas.
After winning the Miss Wasteland 2017 crown through a combination of skill, charm, and old fashioned gumption, Snickerdoodle has turned her sights to burlesque, and under the tutelage of the Mollies, plans to rope you all into her world of excitement and stagecraft.